It is one of the most beautiful freshwater fishes. Its body is bright gold in color, with 7 black stripped horizontally along the body. Its eyes are bright red. The unique character is that it has 4 teeth in one row in its pharynx. There is one pair of short barbel on upper lip.
It`s range is quite limited in Indo-China region, Thailand, and down to Melayu. It dwells in big rivers such as Chao Phraya River, Mae Klong River and Kong River.
It mostly eats aquatic plants and small aquatic animals such as young fish, young shrimp and freshwater shell.
It likes to dwell in cold running stream at the depth level of 5 – 10 meters.The breeding season starts around October when the mature fish swims upstream to spawning area, which has a deep-water channel along the rock islet in the stream and a water ground that fills with a mix of stone and sand.
Based on the record, the biggest one has a length of 1.35 meters and weighting at 40 kilograms.